  • Welcome to SoulSerial

    A safe and welcoming space to learn and connect

    Soul Serial is a free platform for readers and writers to share each other’s personal stories.

    It is an inclusive, friendly space where people can learn from each other and connect to one another.

    It was created for good. It was created for you.

    Write your story. Or read someone else’s.
    With Soul Serial you can do both.

    Soul Serial invites budding writers and avid readers to learn more about life by sharing life's rich experiences through words. Offer up a story or a commentary or an opinion or your general thoughts. We want to hear from you.

    As we emerge from quarantine, we thought it would be interesting to learn how our lives changed this past year. We invite you to share a glimpse of that life. Tell us in 1000 words… or less.

    “Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.”
    Franz Kafka
    You are invited to read, write, and comment.
    Your submissions are your property.
    Soul Serial does not own the rights to writers’ submissions.

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    Submitted stories will be categorized, stored, and made “searchable.” New topics will be offered on a monthly basis. If you have a topic suggestion,
    Submit it here.